Services we Offer
If you are considering the purchase of office/warehouse space, multi-unit building, convenience store, retail space, hospitality space or a new building site in the Atlanta area, Commercial Property Inspections of Atlanta offers the following services.
Pre-Purchase Inspection
There is a lot that can go wrong with a commercial property, and the costs to repair and maintain buildings can be significant. Buyers need to get the facts about potential investments while they still have options. Our process of property research, site walk-through and property condition report saves our clients money by identifying building defects and deferred maintenance issues before the deal is done. Additionally, we establish baseline building systems documentation for future asset management programs.
Tenant Inspection (Pre-Lease)
Many commercial tenants desire a lower cost triple net lease, agreeing to pay for all building repairs and maintenance. A pre-lease inspection will alerts our clients to any current building defects or near term maintenance costs, allowing them to better negotiate lease terms.
Tenant Inspection (Pre-Lease)
Many commercial tenants desire a lower cost triple net lease, agreeing to pay for all building repairs and maintenance. A pre-lease inspection will alerts our clients to any current building defects or near term maintenance costs, allowing them to better negotiate lease terms.
Construction Draw Inspection
Banks typically finance the construction of new commercial buildings. Our inspection engineers visit the construction site to ensure the contractor builds according to design and schedule. Our engineers do an inspection before each draw or Request for Payment (RFP) to verify the construction progress.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
A Phase I ESA is a comprehensive report that follows ASTM Standards to evaluate the environmental risk and liability of a property and is part of the real estate due diligence process. Our engineers research public records and conduct a site visit to determine the probability of any environmental concerns before the purchase.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
A Phase I ESA is a comprehensive report that follows ASTM Standards to evaluate the environmental risk and liability of a property and is part of the real estate due diligence process. Our engineers research public records and conduct a site visit to determine the probability of any environmental concerns before the purchase.
Pre-Listing Inspection
Seller’s of commercial buildings often rely on outdated records and limited maintenance information to determine property conditions. Our pre-listing inspection gives sellers the opportunity to repair any major items that may disinterest potential buyers as well as reduce time on the market.